4-4-4 #SOLC24 #Day22

On (some) Tuesdays I write about education and then post to the Two Writing Teacher blog. and then comment on at least three other blog posts Every day in March I will blog and post for the Two Writing Teacher challenge.

[Prompt: Look around and choose 4 things within 4 ft. of you and 4 minutes to write about them.]

One sentence each

Inspiration from: https://thecollective257774336.wordpress.com/2022/03/24/4-4-4/ and my own post from last year.

What 4 things are in your immediate area?

My journal that I started on Tuesday.

My phone is playing a podcast – THE LIVES OF WRITERS

A fire in the fireplace because there is light snow falling outside.

A mane coon cat who is sneaking around trying to get himself on my lap.

What would your 4 things be today?

4 thoughts on “4-4-4 #SOLC24 #Day22

  1. A warm cup of “maple pecan” coffee- brand new.

    A fuzzy blanket from my fiance’s cousin.

    Our recent engagement photos, framed on the wall.

    A cloudy but warm day.

    PS- I will have to check out that podcast!


  2. My husband was just talking about Maine Coon Cats yesterday. How big is yours? He would be so jealous! Our conversation evolved into whether I consider myself a dog or cat person primarily…tough call.


  3. Ooohhh! I like this format. Thank you for the inspiration! It creates a very cozy picture. It is cold here, and I would love to be near a fire. Maybe after writing.


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